Adjunctive Services Under the Care of Licensed Therapists

Nevada ranks very poorly—37th—in overall mental health spending, and 36th in per capita MH expenditures, while at the same time ranking 4th in the nation for suicide rates.Source: The National Alliance on Mental Illness

Nevada ranks very poorly—37th—in overall mental health spending, and 36th in per capita MH expenditures, while at the same time ranking 4th in the nation for suicide rates.
Source: The National Alliance on Mental Illness


Medicaid defines Psychosocial Rehab (PSR) are interventions designed to reduce psychosocial dysfunction (i.e., interpersonal cognitive, behavioral development, etc.) and restore recipients to their highest level of functioning. PSR services target psychological functioning within a variety of social settings. Both BST or PSR services are not offered as standalone interventions, but are incorporated into the patient’s plan of care to reduce or overcome obstacles to success in attaining their short and long-term goals.

An estimated 26.2% of Americans ages 18 and older or about 1 in 4 adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year...this figure translates to 57.7 million people.Source: The Kim Foundation

An estimated 26.2% of Americans ages 18 and older or about 1 in 4 adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year...this figure translates to 57.7 million people.
Source: The Kim Foundation


Basic Skills Training (BST) services as defined by Medicaid standards are interventions designed to reduce cognitive and behavioral impairments and restore recipients to their highest level of functioning. BST services are provided to recipients with age and developmentally inappropriate cognitive and behavioral skills. BST services help recipients acquire (learn) constructive cognitive and behavioral skills through positive reinforcement, modeling, operant conditioning and other training techniques. BST services teach recipients a variety of life skills.

MedTrans Faylona LLC doing business as Well Care Services, is an independent clinic and provider of health care services, and is owned by a physician in accordance with the laws of the state of its organization

MedTrans Machuca LLC doing business as Well Care Medical and Behavioral Clinic Reno, is an independent clinic and provider of health care services, and is owned by a physician in accordance with the laws of the state of its organization